Ceylon Cinnamon Powder: What You Need to Know
Due to its exotic flavour and aroma, cinnamon is a common ingredient in every household kitchen. Cinnamon is an indigenous spice, which belongs to the Lauraceae family. The cinnamon bark species is one of the most essential and common herbs used for cooking worldwide and traditional and modern medicines. At present, about 250 species have been recorded among the cinnamon family, and they are scattered worldwide.
Did you know cinnamon was once more valuable than gold? The use of cinnamon can be traced back to nearly 2800 BC, which was initially referred to in Chinese as “Kwai.” As mentioned in the Bible, it was a part of Moses’ anointing oil for anointment (to declare a person holy). Not only that, based on historical scripts, Romans had used it for its medicinal purposes, and Egyptians used it for embalming and religious practices. It was also used for religious rituals and as a food flavouring ingredient in medieval Europe. Later, in the Dutch East India Company trade, it was known as the most profitable spice. It is currently the second most popular spice in the United States and Europe, after black pepper.
There are four cinnamon varieties that are commonly used for commercial purposes Ceylon cinnamon, Korintje cinnamon, Chinese Cassia cinnamon, and Saigon cinnamon. Cinnamon coming from Indonesia is derived from Cinnamomum burmanni, or Korintje cinnamon. Another common type of cinnamon is the Saigon cinnamon, Cinnamomum loureiroi and is found in Vietnam. Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon is derived from Cinammomum aromaticum. Collectively, Korintje, Chinese Cassia and Saigon cinnamon are known as Cassia. Cassia has thicker sticks and a rougher texture than Ceylon cinnamon, and it appears to be a dark brown-red colour. Cassia cinnamon is considered lower quality. It is very inexpensive and is the type of cinnamon most people consume worldwide. You can find Cassia in most supermarkets worldwide Ceylon cinnamon, on the other hand, milder, rare, and expensive.
What’s So Special About Ceylon Cinnamon Powder?
When a famous American sitcom like Modern Family mentions Ceylon cinnamon, you know it is something. So, what is Ceylon cinnamon? It was first found in the 15th century, due to Vasco da Gama’s exploration of South India and Sri Lanka. The native “Ceylon cinnamon”, also known as pure or true cinnamon, was then found in Sri Lanka (also known as Ceylon). Ceylon cinnamon usually labelled as Cinnamomum verum in the products, which is a subspecies of Lauraceae family. But the Cassia variety is generally marked as just ‘cinnamon’.
Currently, Ceylon cinnamon is cultivated in Sri Lanka along the coastal belt from Negombo to Matara. It is exported to several countries around the globe. The USA and Mexico are the major markets of Ceylon cinnamon. However, in Europe, Spain, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Bolivia and Chile, many Ceylon cinnamon products are sold as well.
The brand name “Pure Ceylon Cinnamon” was introduced to make it easier to differentiate Ceylon Cinnamon from other varieties. The Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) has completed the registration in Europe and the USA of the ‘Pure Ceylon Cinnamon’ trademark and received registration certificates from both regions.
More than 80 chemical components are found in Ceylon cinnamon. Approximately 50–63% of its essential oil is cinnamaldehyde, which is relatively low compared to Cassia. Based on the appearance of the quill, it is possible to differentiate Ceylon cinnamon from the others. It is softer and lighter in colour and rolled in layers, whereas the others are darker, hard, and hollow and rolled in only one layer. Ceylon cinnamon is graded as the fourth most expensive spice in the world.
Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Not only, Ceylon cinnamon enhances the flavour of your food and helps to make those mouth-watering cinnamon rolls, there are many other benefits too. For instance, Ceylon Cinnamon is full of antioxidants. It even beats out many different spices and superfoods, including garlic and oregano, in measured amounts of antioxidant activity. In fact, one teaspoon has as much as a ½ cup of blueberries! It has a fair amount of mineral manganese, supplying 46% of your daily need. Cinnamon also has adequate amounts of fibre, iron, and calcium for its weight.
You can also use it as a natural food preservative, helping to stop microbes’ overgrowth in foods. By sprinkling it in powdered form, you can improve the shelf life of certain food items. It is also sometimes used in tea and wine as a flavouring ingredient and even in some sugar-free hard candies.
When diffused in indoor environments, Ceylon cinnamon emits a soft, uplifting scent, which freshens and deodorizes your environment. This scent has a relaxing and therapeutic effect. In most households, products such as a cinnamon oil burner/warmer are used for this purpose and to enjoy a calming scent in the home setting.
Ceylon cinnamon is an active ingredient used in manufacturing products such as soap, shampoo, perfumes, and face creams in the cosmetic and personal care industries. It is also added to flavour chewing gums due to its mouth-refreshing effects and remove bad breath. So, if you think you have foul body odour, Ceylon cinnamon is your hero!
Besides, cinnamon is also a natural mosquito repellent that keeps the body safe from many other insects like ants and spiders. So, if you have a bug problem, dilute a few drops in water and spray and see. It will work like magic. All these benefits in one little spice!
Best Ceylon Cinnamon Powder Brands
When looking for the best cinnamon powder to buy, you should think about factors such as the cinnamon type and how it is processed and the price, obviously. Helping you find out which is the best Ceylon cinnamon brand suitable for you, here are some essential facts about 15 popular brands listed cheapest to expensive.
- Diyesta Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Diyesta is the cheapest brand on the list. But this is one of the oldest brands, producing cinnamon since 1935 in Southern Sri Lanka. So, you can say that they are specialists in this cinnamon industry for over 80 years. Diyesta is also considered as one of the premium quality products in the market. Their products are sulphur-free, non-GMO, non-irradiated and organic. 1 pound of this product also comes in a re-sealable pouch. The only downside is you cannot find this in many stores. On Alibaba, 1 pound of Diyesta Ceylon Cinnamon powder costs between 11.11 USD- 16 USD.
- Anthony’s Ceylon Organic Cinnamon Powder
Since Diyesta has not provided a fixed price online, technically this is the cheapest one. Anthony’s Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is a USDA organic certified, a non-irradiated, non-GMOA product of India. Anthony’s products are batch tested to ensure quality. This organic Ceylon cinnamon is light in colour with an appealing scent and a mild, sweet taste. Many reviewers were delighted with the sweet and subtle flavour that goes well with different types of tea and baked goods. This comes in a 1-pound bag, and it only costs 12.29 USD on Amazon.
- Sunday Tree Organic Pure Premium Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Sunday Tree Organic Pure Premium Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is Sulphur free, non-GMO, non-irradiated and organic. Users say that it contains a fragrant aroma and unique sweet taste. They also mention that it has a crumbly texture and easy to grind for fantastic dessert recipes. This is also affordable compared to many Ceylon cinnamon brands. This also comes in a 1-pound bag, which only costs 14.99 USD on Amazon.
- FGO Store’s Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
This is another USDA certified, an organic, non-irradiated, non-GMOA brand from Sri Lanka. Users loved the aroma and overall flavour profile. They say this product has a pleasant aroma and great for pancakes or sprinkled over oatmeal. Plus, this brand is also easy on the budget, compared to other cinnamon brands. This comes in a 1-pound bag as well. Users say this is cheaper than buying from the usual small bottles sold at the grocery store. Still, the quality is not any less than other more expensive brands. This only costs 14.99 USD on Amazon.
- Naturevibe Botanicals Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
The brand Naturevibe is committed to supplying consumers with the highest quality, aims to deliver a commodity that is 100 per cent raw and filled with various benefits. Like most brands on this list, Nature vibe’s Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is certified by the USDA Organic. This one also non-GMO verified and not irradiated. Naturevibe Botanicals products are also halal and kosher certified. According to manufacturers, this fine powder possesses a delightful and delicate flavour with a unique smell which enhances the flavour in various desserts. Some reviewers mention that it has an earthy aroma and a gritty texture. Many reviewers loved how the taste was only slightly sweet without any bitterness. Some further added that the cinnamon worked well with various foods like smoothies, cookies, oatmeal, or pumpkin pie. This product is also relatively affordable. Naturevibe comes in a 1-pound bag and on Amazon, and it costs 15.99 USD.
- Frontier Co-Op Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
The brand Frontier is offering is USDA certified fully kosher, organic, non-irradiated, fair trade certified Ceylon Cinnamon. Although the powder is produced in the United States, it has its origins in Sri Lanka. It is made from the finest cinnamon. During the growing and manufacturing processes, no artificial additives or chemicals are used. According to a lab testing conducted, this is “the safest” of the brands tested. It contains a small coumarin amount and did not surpass thresholds for salmonella, lead, cadmium and arsenic. Frontier’s Powdered Ceylon Cinnamon has a light and delicate flavour, not the overwhelming type you notice in grocery store cinnamon. This comes with a 1-pound bulk bag. While the package is not re-sealable, it is packed in a sterile manner that protects the powder from any kind of germs or dirt. Compared to other brands, the price is also reasonable. This is a totally fresh product, which goes well with any type of beverages. On Amazon, a 1-pound bag costs 18.81 USD.
- Healthworks Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Healthworks also a USDA organic certified brand imported from Sri Lanka and packaged in the USA. Healthworks Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is raw, pure, all-natural, vegan, and has low coumarin levels, making an excellent addition for a healthy lifestyle. Users say it goes well with tea, coffee, and yoghurt. Healthworks arrives in a bulk bag of ground cinnamon powder to consume and apply however you like. Similar to Frontier Co-Op, this one is also a moderately priced brand. On their website, healthworks.com 1 pound of this product costs 19.99 USD.
- Coconut Country Living Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Coconut Country Living is also a USDA certified organic, Fair Trade certified, brand. This powder is also manufactured in a dedicated gluten- and allergen-free facility, so there is no cross-contamination risk. Some reviewers were disappointed with the mild flavour and scent of the product. Meanwhile, many others loved the light, naturally sweet taste and the health benefits that this powder had. Reviewers further mentioned that the cinnamon could add an extra dimension to your herbal tea flavour, spiced coffee, or freshly baked desserts. However, this is a relatively expensive brand. On their website, store.coconutcountryliving.com, 1 pound of this product costs 22.97 USD.
- Mccormick Ground Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Like the above brands, McCormick’s Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is also certified by the USDA Organic and is non-GMO verified and not irradiated. McCormick sources premium quality whole cinnamon, which reduces the chance for added ingredients and contamination by sourcing a pre-ground product. It has extensive resources which allow them to bring the most experience and expertise in the spice industry. This exceptional market knowledge is fuelled by year-round, “on the ground” trend analysis of weather, farmer interest and regular crop surveys. Compared to other brands, this a relatively expensive one. On Amazon, a 1-pound bag costs 23.80 USD.
- Whole Foods Organic Fair-Trade Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Whole Foods is also a USDA certified organic and Kosher certified brand that is keto-friendly and paleo-friendly. Users say that its flavour is much more delicate than other cinnamon brands. Even some of them explain the fragrance and taste of this product as “divine”. They say it adds both sweetness and spice to any kind of hot beverage. This powder usually comes in a small bottle. In Walmart, 1.94 ounces (1 bottle) costs 2.87 USD.
- Organic Wise Ground Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Organic Wise is also a USDA certified organic brand manufactured in Sri Lanka and packed in the U.S. It also has a more earthly and exotic smell, a complex flavour. Due to its fragrant and smooth taste, this powder is ideal for baking. Based on user reviews, this one is excellent for tarts or cakes, where you want cinnamon flavour without too many spicy notes. Organic Wise comes with a re-sealable stand-up pouch of 1 pound that protects it from germs or dirt outside. It also has excellent taste and smell. On their website, organic-wise.com 1 pound of this product costs 24.95 USD.
- Nature’s Wellness Organic Cinnamon Powder
Nature’s wellness Organic Cinnamon Powder is both fragrant and delicious with a rich, warm taste Made of High-Quality Cinnamon. This is also a USDA certified product. According to users, this brand is excellent for desserts, fruit preparations and beverages. Some say it works well meat stews, rice, and vegetables too. From this brand, only the supplement version is available on Amazon, currently. However, you can buy the powder version from a site called Lazada, and 7 ounces of this product costs 14.90 USD.
- Cinnamon Vogue Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon Vogue is also a USDA Certified organic product imported in small batches to maintain its freshness. This cinnamon powder is packaged in BPA-free pouches, and like many other brands lister here, is non-irradiated. This is a high quality 100 mesh cinnamon powder, which makes it nicely textured (smooth) without any kind of grittiness like other cinnamon powders on your tongue. So, it is easier to add to your coffee, tea, fruits and baked goods. On their website, it is mentioned that this product is made by grinding in air-cooled grinding machines which ensures more of the flavour and oils are preserved. This product comes in a triple-layered bag with an oxygen barrier, which ensures that it is shielded from sunshine, moisture, and high heat. So, you can keep it fresh for a more extended period. This also has a premium zip-lock seal which makes it easy to open and close effortlessly. The stand-up pouch makes it easier to store and takes up less space. On their website, cinnamonvogue.com, 6 ounces of this product costs 13.99 USD.
- Jiva Organics Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Jiva Organic’s cinnamon powder is certified by the USDA Organic as well. It is also non-GMO verified and not irradiated. It is harvested from organically grown Cinnamon in Sri Lanka. The product is fair trade, which means that it is made sustainable and with carefully sourced ingredients. Besides, there are only two to five parts per million of coumarin in this brand. There are no additives, contaminants, or pesticides. However, the mild taste and the dry feel of the product disappointed some reviewers. Many users still praised the product for its authentic and smooth flavour and intense aroma that goes really well with tea, coffee, or syrup. This is one of the most expensive brands on this list. This powder comes in a 7-ounce bag, and it costs 19.99 USD on Amazon.
- Simply Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Simply Organic is one of the most popular, most reviewed Ceylon cinnamon brands in the world. It is also a USDA certified organic and Kosher certified organic line of spices, seasoning mixes, and baking flavours. Simply Organic’s Ceylon cinnamon was rated as the best Ceylon cinnamon by Epicurious in 2018, an American online brand that focuses on food and cooking-related topics. This is also the most expensive Ceylon cinnamon brand on this list. You know, expensive does not always equate to quality. But in this case, it probably is. With 1 to 1.6% oil content, this cinnamon powder has a slightly sweet flavour with some warm-spicy notes. This product contains no ETO, GMO ingredients and not irradiated. Many users compliment the subtle, somewhat sweet cinnamon taste that could add a unique flavour to your food to make it bit more special. Some say that this powder could be great to add on French toast or hot cocoa. On Amazon, 2.08 ounces (1 bottle) costs 6.24 USD.
Where to Buy Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
By simply typing Ceylon cinnamon near me on your search engine, you can find stores that sell Ceylon cinnamon powder near you. If you cannot find a store near you or sell organic and pure products, shopping online is the best choice. You can find what you like on top online retailor sites like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Alibaba, etc. You can also order most of these products from their respective websites and online stores that sell health products like iHerb. All those listed brands are original and premium Ceylon cinnamon powder, which are reviewed by many consumers. So, browse the products on this list and buy the one ideal for you.
- What Is the Strongest Cinnamon?
In Cassia cinnamon, about 95% of its oil is cinnamaldehyde, making Cassia the strongest cinnamon compared to other varieties.
- What Brands Use Ceylon Cinnamon?
All the brands listed here use Ceylon Cinnamon.
- Why Is Ceylon Cinnamon So Expensive?
Due to unique chemical properties over other varieties, Ceylon cinnamon has a high reputation and demand globally. Also, many people prefer Ceylon variety over others due to its mild, delicate taste and its ultra-low coumarin levels, which can be toxic in large doses. Plus, it is rarer than other types.
- Does Walmart Sell Ceylon Cinnamon Powder?
Yes, Walmart sells several brands of Ceylon cinnamon powder including, Frontier Co-op, Simply Organic, and Mccormick. You can order them online as well by visiting www.walmart.com.
To Sum Up,
If you are looking to broaden your spice collection, Ceylon cinnamon powder is the perfect spice for you. Not only you can make mouth-watering food and beverages, but it will also make your whole house smell warm and inviting too. So, select the best brand that works for you and sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon here and there and have a great cinnamon experience.